SPOT FREE Water Spot Remover
About This Product
- Gets rid of hard water spots
- Restores clear windows and clear paint
- Eliminates calcium deposits and minerals
Windshield Cleaner
- Windshield Cleaner/Glass surface.
- Cleaner has been specially developed to remove all dirt and contaminants quickly and effectively.
Window Dresser
Power Window Lubricant
- Protects rubber parts from weathering effects.
- Non-staining, long-lasting lubricant.
- Frees sticky power window mechanisms and rubber beadings.
Upholstery Cleaner
Foam cleaner for upholstery (non fabric)
Upholstery Cleaner is an active cleaner which has been specially developed for gently and quickly removing dirt from various types of upholstery, velours, carpets and vehicle coverings.
Tyre Shine
Dressing for Tyres
- Gives a sheen to tyres (New look).
- Protects tyres from weathering.
NexDiag is a Polish production company whose hallmark is an innovative view of the automotive industry.