A/C Cleaner
Air Conditioner Cleaner Foam is a foamy cleaner for quick cleaning of Automotive Air-conditioner coils, A/c ducts, louvers and similar passages in automobiles, households, offices & showrooms etc.
Battery Coat
Benefits of Battery Terminal Coating
- Protects from sulphonation.
- Improves contact efficiency.
- Increases Battery life.
- Water Repellent.
- A Dielectric Coating.
- Prevents Flashover & Corona Discharge.
Belt Dresser
Grip Improver
- Prevents slippage – increases belt performance.
- Extends belt life and increases power.
- Keeps belts pliable and prevents shrinkage.
- Develops friction and grip.
Brake Cleaner
Benefits of Brake Lining Cleaner:
- Prevents slippage – increases belt performance.
- Extends belt life and increases power.
- Keeps belts pliable and prevents shrinkage.
- Develops friction and grip.
Car Wash Shampoo
Benefits of Cleaner cum Shiner
- Leaves shiny & glossy film.
- Cleans smudges & stains.
- No effect on paint.
Carburettor Cleaner Spray
- Dissolves carbon residue in the cylinders and valve area.
- Improves vehicle mileage due to better fuel flow.
- Cleans fuel pump injector.
- Compatible with catalytic convertors.
Ceramic Coating Kit For Paint
Included in this kit:
- 1 x UNCv1 30ml
- 1 x UNCv2 30ml
- 1 x Silk Coat 100ml
- 2 x Applicator Micro Sponge
This kit is perfect for:
- Multi Layer Paint Protection
- Multi Layer Wheel Protetion
Chain Lube
Sprayable Grease for Drive Chains
- Non-Dripping, non-Staining with excellent penetrating property.
- Sprays like oil and sticks like grease
- Generates tacky, long lasting lubricative film.
- Through pinpoint application, difficult to reach parts can be lubricated easily.
Coating Applicator Micro Sponge XL
Includes: 5 Pcs.
Max Protect Applicator Micro Sponge.
These are precision laser cut micro sponges especially developed for UNC v1, UNC v2, UNC v2+, UNC v3, UNC-R LITE, UNC-R & PRO ELITE application. They save up to 50% of the liquid if compared to the round cotton make-up applicators.
Color Guard
- Cleans, protects and revives vinyl, leather, rubber, plastic and painted parts.
- Restores original colour and finish.
- Prevents fading, drying out or cracking
- Dries to lustrous non-tacky finish with a fresh citrus fragrance.
Concentrate Prewash
Features and Benefits:
High-performing detergent. Thanks to its surfactants it removes and degreases any kind of dirt, both organic and inorganic. Suitable in any season. Pleasantly scented.
Electric Sander ES516-6/5
About the product:
Electric Orbital Sander for paint and wood working
From bodyshops’ refinishing process, to high gloss paint care works. ShineMate polishing tool system is built based on the deep integration and overall design from electric sanding and polishing machine, polishing pads, and compounding