Carburettor Cleaner Spray
- Dissolves carbon residue in the cylinders and valve area.
- Improves vehicle mileage due to better fuel flow.
- Cleans fuel pump injector.
- Compatible with catalytic convertors.
Belt Dresser
Grip Improver
- Prevents slippage – increases belt performance.
- Extends belt life and increases power.
- Keeps belts pliable and prevents shrinkage.
- Develops friction and grip.
Galvanizing Spray
Zinc Coating Spray:
- Provides long-term protection against corrosion and rust.
- Is salt water-resistant and withstands temperatures up to 400°C.
- Forms protective coating without flaking.
Exhaust Coat
Heat-Resistant Coating for Exhaust Pipes
Benefits : It protects the exhaust surface from deteriorating under high temperature.
Engine Coat
Protects engine surface from contamination, weathering and rubbing effects.
Color Guard
- Cleans, protects and revives vinyl, leather, rubber, plastic and painted parts.
- Restores original colour and finish.
- Prevents fading, drying out or cracking
- Dries to lustrous non-tacky finish with a fresh citrus fragrance.
Car Wash Shampoo
Benefits of Cleaner cum Shiner
- Leaves shiny & glossy film.
- Cleans smudges & stains.
- No effect on paint.
Brake Cleaner
Benefits of Brake Lining Cleaner:
- Prevents slippage – increases belt performance.
- Extends belt life and increases power.
- Keeps belts pliable and prevents shrinkage.
- Develops friction and grip.
Battery Coat
Benefits of Battery Terminal Coating
- Protects from sulphonation.
- Improves contact efficiency.
- Increases Battery life.
- Water Repellent.
- A Dielectric Coating.
- Prevents Flashover & Corona Discharge.
A/C Cleaner
Air Conditioner Cleaner Foam is a foamy cleaner for quick cleaning of Automotive Air-conditioner coils, A/c ducts, louvers and similar passages in automobiles, households, offices & showrooms etc.
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