HI GLAZE High Endurance Glaze
About This Product
- See the difference
- Feel the shine
- Long lasting and detergent resistant
- Easy application
- Low dust removal
- Perfect for all colors and all paints
HOME RUN Heavy Duty Degreaser
About This Product
- Engine Degreaser
- Degreases tools and all vehicles
- Cuts and breaks down grease & grime
HYDROPHOBIC Nano Carnauba Wax
About This Product
- Advanced hydrophobic polymer
- Deep gloss & Wet-look
- Water repellent
- Light cleaning properties
- Dries instantly
- Won ‘t stain trim
- Easy to apply and remove
IRON FREE Paint, Wheel & Glass Decontamination / Fallout Remover
About This Product
- Acid-free, pH balanced paint & wheel cleaner / fallout remover
- IRON FREE safely breaks down ferrous metallic contamination caused by automotive brakes, rail travel, and construction
- Decontaminates delicate paint, plastic, chrome, glass, and alloy wheels
- IRON FREE sprays on fluorescent green and turns reddish as it reacts with the iron particulates making it easier to remove
LEATHER CREME Leather & Vinyl Conditioner/Protectant
About This Product
- 1 Step leather & vinyl cleaner and conditioner
- Contains UV inhibitor to retard sun fading
- Uses finest natural oils to penetrate, soften and lubricate the leather
MAJESTIC Hydrophobic Creme Wax
About This Product
- Self-cleaning wax with brilliant gloss
- Long-lasting protection
- Fills fine scratches & swirl marks
MULTI DRESS High Gloss White Dressing
About This Product
- Water based silicone dressing
- Super high gloss shine that beautifies and protects
- Great for tires, rubber moldings, plastic, leather and vinyl
Multilube Spray
Rust Remover & Protector
- Penetrates deeply.
- Cleans thoroughly.
- Displaces moisture.
- Lubricates bearing surface.
- Protects from corrosion.
NANO CERAMIC Ceramic Nano Synthetic Sealant
About This Product
- Long-Lasting Protection
- Very high glossy
- Hologram free
- Low consumption
- Doesn’t stain the plastics
- Anti-dust
- UV absorber
NANO SHOCK Hydrophobic Spray Wax & Sealant
About This Product
- Clean and wax your car at the same time!
- The missing link between cleaning & waxing
- A lubricant sealant that actually enhances gloss and repels water
- 1-step lubricant sealant
- Advanced hydrophobic polymer protection
- As the best friend of AUTOSCRUB
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